Costume Races: Not Just for Halloween — Race Bib Tape

Costume Races: Not Just for Halloween


October is a month of corn mazes, pumpkin patches and Halloween costume races. If you enjoy running in disguise or dressed as your favorite Disney character, you might be getting a little bummed about the running costume season being over. Well, we’ve got great news! In many places, there are costume races all year.

Shape posted an article on their website featuring the best costume races in the United States. The list features awesome events like Santa races, the Denver Gorilla Run, the Cupid Panty Run and Disney races.

Las Vegas Great Santa Run. Photo: Opportunity Village. Found on

Las Vegas Great Santa Run. Photo: Opportunity Village. Found on

As always, Runner’s World has our back for all running related topics. They put out an awesome list of costume ideas and evaluate whether or not they are race-worthy. While it obviously can’t show every possible costume and how they rate for running, this article gives you good tips and things to look out for in a great running costume.

Have you always imagined the surreal feeling of breaking a world record for running but never thought you’d get the chance? Looks like it could definitely be in your future. Apparently, there are several Guiness World Records for the fastest races in specific costumes. For example, if you’re male, you could beat the “fastest marathon dressed as a crustacean” with a time under 3:34:23. If you’re female, you could beat the “fastest marathon dressed as a bottle” with a time under 4:36:19. Runner’s World gives you the low down and step-by-step instructions to make it happen.

London Marathon. Record for “fastest marathon in a three-person costume” time: 4:56:24. Photo: Guinness World Records. Found on Runner’s World.

London Marathon. Record for “fastest marathon in a three-person costume” time: 4:56:24. Photo: Guinness World Records. Found on Runner’s World.

Many runners who want to dress up often shy away from the costumes they want or even ditch dressing up all together. Often, they’re worried about parts of their costume flying off or rattling around and messing with their run. To them we say, Race Bib Tape to the rescue! Our tape is made for fabric, so you can feel confident holding on your cape (without tying it around your neck), holding down your accessories, or even holding on a mask while you run.

Noah, four years old, modeling a Race Bib Tape cape.

Noah, four years old, modeling a Race Bib Tape cape.

The best part is, if you decide you can’t handle an accessory anymore during your race, you can easily peel it off at any time. Expert Tip: Keep some extra strips of Race Bib Tape in an accessible place during your race to make quick adjustments while you run. After all, you’re never quite sure how something is going to feel on mile 10 until you get there.


Make sure to pick up your Race Bib Tape on Amazon to perfect that costume. Happy Running!